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Supplemental Material
Course Introduction (5:02)
Glossary of Terms
Module 1 - Overview of Liturgical Access: What It Means and Why It Matters
Introduction to Module 1
Introduction to Lectio Divina (3:23)
Lectio Divina: 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 "The Gifts of the Spirit" (8:05)
Mini-Lecture #1 - "What is the Theological Significance of Liturgical Access?" (6:53)
Workers in the Vineyard Podcast - Interview with JD Flynn: "What is Liturgical Access?" (29:20)
Invitation to Reflection
Additional Reading and Resources
Final Takeaways
Module 2 - Sensory-Friendly Masses
Introduction to Module 2
Lectio Divina - Luke 19:1-6 "The Story of Zacchaeus"" (7:22)
Mini-Lecture #2 "Does Sensory-Friendly Mean 'Watered Down'?" (4:41)
Workers in the Vineyard Podcast - Interview with Allison Sturm: "What is a Sensory-Friendly Mass?" (29:13)
Invitation to Reflection
Additional Reading and Resources
Final Takeaways
Module 3 - Physical Access, Physical Barriers
Introduction to Module 3
Lectio Divina - Matthew 7:7-8 "Seek and You Will Find" (7:27)
Mini-Lecture #3 “The Theology of the Incarnation and How It Relates to Accessibility” (4:36)
Workers in the Vineyard Podcast interview with Josh Ruoff - "Physical Accessibility in Parish Life" (30:15)
Invitation to Reflection
Additional Reading and Resources
Final Takeaways
Module 4 - Dispositional Barriers
Introduction to Module 4
Lectio Divina - Exodus 4:10-12 "The Call of Moses" (6:46)
Mini-Lecture #4 “What it Means to Desire Union with the Mystical Body of Christ” (5:06)
Workers in the Vineyard Podcast interview with Julia Sauter - "Dispositional Barriers and Serving the Church" (19:38)
Invitation to Reflection
Additional Reading and Resources
Final Takeaways
Module 5 - Sacramental Access (Emphasis on Eucharistic Celebration)
Introduction to Module 5
Lectio Divina - John 6:48-56 "The Bread of Life Discourse" (9:12)
Mini-Lecture #5 “What is the Purpose of a Sacrament?” (7:30)
Workers in the Vineyard Podcast with Deacon Ronnie San Nicolas - "Invisible Disabilities and Liturgical Access" (30:54)
Invitation to Reflection
Additional Reading and Resources
Final Takeaways
Module 6 - Liturgical Access for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Introduction to Module 6
Lectio Divina - Acts 13:47-49 "Spreading the Gospel to Every Culture" (6:55)
Mini-Lecture #6 - "Why Does Inculturation Matter in the Liturgy?" (6:01)
Workers in the Vineyard Podcast interview with Fr. Paul Zirimenya - "Liturgical Access for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing" (32:53)
Supplemental Interview (13:02)
Invitation to Reflection
Additional Reading and Resources
Final Takeaways
Module 7 - Leveraging Resources for Accessibility
Introduction to Module 7
Lectio Divina - John 6:5-11 "Multiplication of the Loaves and Fish" (8:20)
Mini-Lecture #7 - "The Necessity of Faith" (5:15)
Workers in the Vineyard Podcast interview with Fr. David Schiferl - "Investing in Universal Access" (26:14)
Invitation to Reflection
Additional Reading and Resources
Final Takeaways
Module 8 - Avoiding Barriers to Service
Introduction to Module 8
Lectio Divina - Matthew 9:37-38 "Laborers for the Harvest" (6:41)
Mini-Lecture #8 (5:30)
Workers in the Vineyard Podcast interview with Michael and Christine Risch – “Love of Scripture and Love of Service” (30:06)
Invitation to Reflection
Additional Reading and Resources
Final Takeaways
Survey Questions
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Introduction to Module 7
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